
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas time is here

These are some of Cooper's Christmas and first birthday pictures.  I just thought I would share.

Oh and I forgot about our family photo

First hair cut

Josh was so excited when I set up the appointment for Cooper to have his first hair cut.  We were both tired of everyone thinking that Cooper was a girl because he had long-curly hair.  One of my bestest friends had told me about a place in Ashley Park (Newnan) called Zany's.  She said that the inside of the place looked so neat and that it would be a great place to take Cooper for his first hair cut.  So I called and made the appointment. 
So many other mom's had told me that getting the first hair cut is hard... On the mom!  Everyone was talking about how they cryed... blah blah...  I kept telling everyone that I couldn't wait to get all that hair cut off and I wouldn't cry or be upset at all.  Boy was I wrong!  I thought I would be just fine and I was until....  She actually started cutting his hair and when I could see all the hair coming off...  I started crying like a baby.  While I'm crying, Cooper is doing just great!  Now he looks like a cute little business man.... 


This cute certificate that they made for us! 
love it

Turning 1

So much has happened since the last time I've blogged.  Since then Cooper has had is first birthday!  The party turned out great.  He got lots of clothes and gifts. 
His first year check up went well also.  Cooper weighs 20lbs 14ozs and is 29 1/4 inches long. He is wearing 12-18 month clothing and size 3 shoe.

Cooper likes:
Pulling up on anything he can get his hands on
Cursing really well
Learning new words
Trying really hard to walk
Taking a few steps at a time
Playing with any toy that makes noise to drive Mommy and Daddy crazy!
Pointing at everything

Cooper loves to feed himself:
Anything…. No more baby food or formula! 
Favorite is French fries

Talk, talk, talk – Word that he can say are:
Daddy - Now he loves to call Josh “Dad” instead of daddy
Hot – a new word and he LOVES to say it
Mama – only when he is tired or crying for something
Ah Oh

Cooper sleeps:
All through the night – occasionally wakes up for his pacifier
Takes about a one hour nap in the morning
Takes about a two hour nap in the afternoon

Mommy and Daddy need to do and have learned:
That I need a play room for all my toys!