
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sleeping like a baby

I just had to share this picture with everyone.  I just thought these were the cutest!

First bath

Cooper hated his first bath.  He cryed the whole time....  But the rest of his baths have been good ones.  He loves his bath time now.

One month

Cooper is already a month old now.  It really doesn't seem like that much time has past.  He went to the Dr. today for his one month and Dr. Carter said that Cooper is a very healthy little boy.  He is weighing 10lbs 3ozs and is 21 inches long.

Cooper's First Christmas

Christmas morning

Santa came!!

Fun at Poppa and Memaw's

With family.. Bryson, Glover, Kaydon and Cooper

I would say that Cooper had a great first Christmas.  The only thing that was missing was going over to my mom's Christmas morning.  She called that morning and was up all night sick.  We are still waiting to celebrate with her.
He got lots of great toys that he will so start playing with!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

3 weeks already

I can't believe that my little one is 3 weeks old already.  Every day it get easier.. so I'm hoping by the time I go back to work we will be on a schedule.  Motherhood is a lot harder than I thought.. at first anyway.  But I love my little one with all my heart!  He is the cutest sweetest little thing.
This past weekend he got to see Santa and he loved it!

Me and my little man

Hartley and Cooper.. first friends

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

November 24, 2009

The Big Day!!!  So Cooper finally came out to see the world.  After being at the hospital and in labor forever he shows his cute little face.
We went to the hospital Sunday night at 7.  They started the cervidil about 9 o clock that night and I started hurting between 1am -3am.  Then about 8am Monday morning they started me on pitocin.  My water ended up breaking around 11am.  We were so excited!  We just knew that it wouldn't be much longer after that and we would be holding our little boy.  And boy were we wrong! :)  Josh even packed up all our stuff to get ready to go to another room.  But then I just wasn't dilating like I needed too.  Talk about painful and tiring.  My epidural didn't work very well either because of my back surgery.  Well there was a lot of pain and trying to sleep between that time and the time I had him.  I was waiting on Dr. Banks to get finished with an emergency c-section and I just knew that I couldn't wait anymore.  She finally got to the room and said "ok lets push!"  Words I was dying to hear.  I only pushed for about 30-40 mins but it seemed like FOREVER!  And the little one was here. 
He weighs 7lbs 6ozs, 19 inches long, born at 2:52am November 24th!!
We are so excited about our new little bundle of joy!!


What daddy did during labor

Little Douglas Cooper Phillips
Knew his daddy right away holding his hand!  So sweet!

7lbs 6ozs

Cooper and his Gigi

happy new family!

Hanging out with Mommy after a few hours hold.  So cute!

Ok so little Cooper is tripping me out.  He is holding his head up by himself just so he can look around.  He is so cute!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Doctor day

So here in a little while I'll be going to the Dr. I'm so nervous... I am just worried about what they will say and do about little Cooper coming into the world. Josh is hoping that they will induce me today or tomorrow and a part of me wants that too but the other wants to wait. Don't get me wrong, I'm so tired of being pregnant... but I still feel like I'm not ready to take care of a newborn either. No matter what happens Josh and I will be parents soon!!! And that is something to look forward to.

By the way here are some pictures from Scalini's from last week. Even though the eggplant didn't work it was still really good food and such a neat place to go.

Garrett, Me, Kandi, Chad, Jamie, Torre, Chirsty, Ryan, Danielle and Josh

Giving my name and number incase we have the baby within the 48 hour period!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Over Due!

Well let me tell you.... It is hard enough to be pregnant for almost a whole year and then when you have a little Phillips in your belly that is hard headed like his daddy and doesn't want to come out, it makes it even worse!! I really think that Cooper is in there to stay or either I'm not really pregnant and I've just gained a lot of weight over the past few months.

It looks like I'll be going to the Dr. on Thursday afternoon and they will schedule for me to be induced. I'm guessing they will set it up for Monday the 23rd but I'm not sure yet. I'm hoping for the next day.

I've been so upset about having him right at Thanksgiving. I just feel like it is going to ruin the Family Thanksgiving for us. We were really looking forward to taking him out to our families and showing him off. I guess we will just have to do that for Christmas instead. Plus on top of no Thanksgiving.. we found out today that NO ONE is allowed to come to the hospital. Only the father of the baby and the grandparents. This sucks so bad!! I really wanted people to come visit us in the hospital. The hospital says that people can come up there and get you and the baby to come to the nursery and they would be able to see you through the window. Crazy huh? It's all because of the stupid swine flu.

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Prego's at EMC

There are 3 of us at work that are pregnant and due all about the same time.  We had a shower for one of the girls today and we all took a picture together.

Jan                Amy                Megan

Jan (due Dec 4th)     Amy (due Nov 12th)      Megan (due Nov 13th)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Doctor's appointment

So I had my weekly doctor's appointment today... The doctor said that I am dilated to a 2 and wanted to know if I wanted her to strip my membranes. I told her that I wasn't sure because I heard that it hurt really bad!! But I told her to do it anyway. So hopefully it will work and we will have little Cooper this weekend. They say that if stripping the membranes works it should work within 24-72 hours. The Dr. also said that she could feel his head and she thinks that he will be a 7 lb-er! I am so excited now!!! Josh is a nervous wreck!! So yall pray for us.. and let’s hope little Cooper comes on his own this weekend or next week!

The Count Down... 10...9...8...

We only have 8 days till our due date! I can't believe it is already time for little Cooper to see the world. Just seems like yesterday when we were telling everyone that we were expecting. Josh and I are very excited but at the same time are sooo nervous! I guess its because we don't know what to expect! I just hope that little Cooper comes on his own so that the Doctors won't induce me. I am scared to death about that. Today I have a doctor’s appointment so we will see what they have to say today. Last week I was dilated to a one. But of course you can be a one FOREVER!!! Hopefully they will check me and say that I've dilated more.

Josh told me the other day that if we don't have the little one by next Friday the 13th! (Yes our due date is Friday the 13th!!) Then we were going out to eat to Scalini's. They are famous for their Eggplant Parmigiana which is supposed to induce labor within 48hrs. Here is the story behind that......

So I'll make sure to keep you posted to see if this really works. Until then I'm just going to keep on movin on.... And hopefully little Cooper will be here soon!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Counting down the days...

The changes in the past few months..... Check it out!  ** I just added my last one..  the 9 month picture!

5 months

6 months

7 months - i think this is the worst picture ever.. lol

8 months

9 months

Showered with lots of Gifts and Love

A big thanks to family and friends that have helped with the planning of baby showers.  We have gotten tons of things that we need thanks to them.  Now I just need to sort through everything to get it prepared for Cooper's arrival.  We are counting down the days...  Only about 3 1/2 weeks and/or 26 days...  Sounds scary!  But we couldn't be happier about our new addition to the family. 

Family & Friends Baby Shower - Held Oct 4, 2009

Great Nana (my nana), Gi Gi (my mom), Mommy, Nana Linda (josh's mom) and MeMaw (josh's step mom)

Amy (due Nov 12th), Shelley, Me, Kandi, Christy and Danielle.... Great Friends!

Great Games!!!

And great gifts.....

Work.. Double Trouble Baby Shower....  Held Oct 19, 2009
Amy Lott and I had our showers together.  Amy is due on Nov 12th and is expecting little girl Hartley.  So people were giving baby girl and baby boy presents...

Double Trouble.....

The diaper cake my mom and I made for Amy and Hartley.

great co-workers that helped us celebrate

Amy with all her gifts.
Me with all my gifts.