
Friday, August 28, 2009

3D time

So today is the day we go for our 3D ultrasound. I'm so nervous and excited. Today is a big day. On top of the ultrasound, Josh is going to take his CDL driving test... So today is full of nerves and excitement.
I've been having some issues with pain, so I haven't really started on the nursery yet. I'm hoping that this weekend will be a good one and I'll be able to do some work. If so I'll put pictures up as soon as I can.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm going to work on the nursery this weekend. I've been having some crazy dreams about not being prepared so I guess that is a sign for me to get my butt in gear! lol
Hopefully next week I'll have some pictures of the nursery to put on here.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Sympathy pains...

******** I thought I would take off Josh's picture before he KILLS me.. lol

Josh seems to be having sympathy pregnancy pains. We have learned in the past week that we have both gained weight. Here are our 6 month pictures.