
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

9 months old

Little Cooper is growing up to fast. Yesterday he turn 9 months old!!!

We had a great day with family yesterday. Cooper visited and played with Gigi, PawPaw, Uncle Trevor, Great Nana and Great Granddaddy. Today we had our 9 month check-up visit with Dr. Carter. Everything is looking great!
Cooper weighs 19lbs 12ozs and is 28 ½ inches long. He is wearing 9 month clothing and is starting to wear some 12 month clothes with a size 2 shoe.

Cooper likes:
Crawling around and venturing out
Pulling up on anything he can get his hands on
Banging toys together
Playing peek-a-boo
Playing pat-a-cake
Playing with any toy that makes noise

Cooper loves to feed himself:
Yogurt bites

The foods he loves for Mommy to feed him:
Any kind of fruit – especially baby food bananas
Mashed potatoes
Any kind of baby food veggie

Cooper sleeps:
All through the night – occasionally wakes up for his pacifier
Takes about a one hour nap in the morning
Takes about a two hour nap in the afternoon

Mommy and Daddy need to do and have learned:
To child proof the house better
Make boundaries where I can play
Start learning when to tell me No

Paw Paw helping me walk across the floor
Taking a bath at Great Nana's and Great Granddaddy's

having so much fun splashing around

Jumping on the bed

Telling Great Nana - Do it again!

Getting read to see Dr. Carter

Mommy they pricked my toe....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Busy life with an 8 month old

This past month has been a busy one. Not only are we trying to get used to the idea of Josh's new job but we also have a little boy with a temper! Cooper is as sweet as he can be but boy when he isn't happy everyone knows. On top of that he is teething. He is 8 1/2 months old and still no teeth. I'm hoping that some will break through soon and give me and him a break. The crying every afternoon is getting old! On a good note he is crawling everywhere now. And he loves to pull up using your hands. He talks all the time... lots of dada and mama but not associating it with Daddy and Mommy yet.

Another bit of good news is that Dr. Carter took him off the heart monitor about 2 weeks ago. So far he has done really well without it and seems to be sleeping better. Here are a few pictures for his 8 month pics...

Crawling 8-4-10

Eating chocolate for the first time.. his Poppa give it to him