
Friday, July 16, 2010

web site

We have created another site, full of pictures and videos, to keep everyone updated on how Coop is growing.  Go check it out .....
We've created a web site called “Family Portraits” to share pictures and news about Cooper with friends and family. Come check it out at http://joshmeganandcooperphillips.shutterfly.com/.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Cooper's First Independence Day

The Phillips' family had a busy but fun filled weekend for the 4th. We sent time with MeMaw and Poppa in Woodstock on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. MeMaw bought a little pool for Coop to play in while we were there and he loved it. It took sometime for him to get used to the water not being as warm as bath water, but once he was used to it - he absolutly loved it. On Sunday we went to a big pool with Danielle, Ryan, Adrienne, Josh and Brody. Cooper had a blast playing with his buddy Brody and being in the pool. He loved splashing, kicking and relaxing in the float that his Gigi gave him!! Then on Sunday we went to see Mrs. Susan, Mrs. Katie and little Emma. Cooper that is was the greatest thing watching Emma swim like a little fish.
He also has some other first this weekend. He started clapping when you say "yeaaaaa" and started scooting around the floor to get to his toys instead of rolling.
My little boy is growing up fast!

Relaxing with Daddy

Relaxing in the float

Trying to put my fingers in Brody's mouth... because I think they are sooo good!

Swimming with Ryan

Splashing with Danielle

About to watch fireworks are Danielle and Ryan's house

Spending time with Emma and Mrs. Katie at the pool

Trying to get in Poppa's peanuts

Relaxing in my little pool at Memaw's
Playing in the dirt and trying to eat the grass