
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sleeping like a baby

I just had to share this picture with everyone.  I just thought these were the cutest!

First bath

Cooper hated his first bath.  He cryed the whole time....  But the rest of his baths have been good ones.  He loves his bath time now.

One month

Cooper is already a month old now.  It really doesn't seem like that much time has past.  He went to the Dr. today for his one month and Dr. Carter said that Cooper is a very healthy little boy.  He is weighing 10lbs 3ozs and is 21 inches long.

Cooper's First Christmas

Christmas morning

Santa came!!

Fun at Poppa and Memaw's

With family.. Bryson, Glover, Kaydon and Cooper

I would say that Cooper had a great first Christmas.  The only thing that was missing was going over to my mom's Christmas morning.  She called that morning and was up all night sick.  We are still waiting to celebrate with her.
He got lots of great toys that he will so start playing with!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

3 weeks already

I can't believe that my little one is 3 weeks old already.  Every day it get easier.. so I'm hoping by the time I go back to work we will be on a schedule.  Motherhood is a lot harder than I thought.. at first anyway.  But I love my little one with all my heart!  He is the cutest sweetest little thing.
This past weekend he got to see Santa and he loved it!

Me and my little man

Hartley and Cooper.. first friends